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A tale from our core book pack

Handa’s Surprise

  • Read the story to your child.
  • Count the fruits in Handa’s basket together.
  • Can your child say how many will be left after each animal has taken a fruit?
  • Together, count the fruit to check how many pieces are left.
  • What is your favourite fruit?
  • Can you remember which animal liked which fruit?
  • Talk about the word ‘surprise.’ What would you like as a surprise?

Beyond Handa’s Surprise


Play a picnic game:

  • Layout the picnic cloth and put the fruits on top. Tell your child to shut their eyes and guess which fruit you have taken away.
  • Put your toys around the cloth and have pretend tea party.

Sing some number rhymes together with a counting backwards focus:

  • 5 Little Speckled Frogs
  • 5 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day
  • 10 in the Bed

Useful Websites for Handa’s Surprise story


Youtube – Handa’s Surprise story

Youtube – Speckled Frogs songs

Youtube – Ten in the Bed
